Please send your orders to:
Strancicka 33, 100 00 Praha 10,
phone: +420 274 813 623, +420 274 814 809
fax: fax: +420 274 812 333

When ordering, please provide us with the following information:

* Catalogue number

* Product description

* Quantity and further specifications

* Shipping and billing addresses

* Your purchase order number

* Telephone number and name of person to contact

Shipping Conditions

Terms of delivery are FOB Prague. All products are shipped by mail from Prague. Should you prefer other carriers, please let us know.

Terms of Payment

Net within 14 days.

Return of Products

No returns are accepted without prior authorization. Please contact us.


One year's limited warranty is granted for items defective in workmanship or material. No other warranty is granted. TESSEK reserves the right to change product specifications and prices without notice.

The products indicated in this catalogue are intended for laboratory use only and are not tested for direct clinical, medical or food use. The purchaser assumes full responsibility for such applications.

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